Chief Operating Officer
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Paulus Gandi Bayu

Komisaris (1)

Profesional Career as an Expert Facitator/Trainer and Technical Consultant  for issues : Organic Agriculture, Rural Livelihoods, Community Organization, Capacity Building, Social Entrepreneurship, and Cooperatives since 2004.

He has involved for Government National Project (Kementan, Kemendag, Kemendesa), Private sector (Maji Consultant, Biocert, Iskol Agridaya), CSR program (Newmont, Aqua Danone), NGO program (Elsppat, RMI,KAIL, KEHATI) and many other projects. He is also as an Auditor Associate of Ecocert for South East Asia & Pacific Areas - International Certification Bodies based in France since 2016 with qualification Auditing Organic (EOS, NOP) and Sustainability scheme (UTZ, Rainforest Alliance) for commodity : cocoa, tea, coffee, cashewnut, coconut, cassava, moringa, andaliman and nutmeg.

He has more than 17 years of social activities experience as a Community Organizer, Organic Farming Facilitator, and Cooperative manager based on Rural  Entrepreneurs and  organic agriculture in Bogor Recidence, West Java. 

He also has active facilitation experience in setup training of Trainer (TOT) for Organic Farming, Social Entrepreneurship and Cooperative for Indonesian Farmer Organizer Network (Jarnopp), Indonesian Organic Agriculture Network (Jakerpo), and Indonesia Alliance Organic (AOI) from 2004 - 2014.

He is involved in revitalization PGS/PAMOR-AOI as community certification scheme and socialized the implemantation of instalation PAMOR Unit to AOI members. Also support the Bogor Organic Farmers Partnership (POB) in  TOT training and instaled Internal Control System (ICS) for POB farmer members since 2019.

He has a writing research experience in the Participatory Rural Livestock, Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Livelihood, Rural Entrepreneurship, and Agriculture Product Marketing issues and program since 2000 in an international organization / State University (Deliveri - cooperation DFID & Kementan, PSLH 

IPB, LPEM UI, LPM Univ. Atmajaya) for 2 Year, and several organization network (Jarnopp, KRKP, Jakerpo, Japsa, AOI) for 10 years. 

He has an organization experience as Member Leader Representative CU Melati Depok City from 2008 - 2015, and as Founder and Supevisory Board of LESTARI Cooperative Bogor Residence (2018-2022).

Kelompok Petani Binaan
Jenis Produk Organik
Tim Ahli dan Trainer
Penjual Bersertifikasi