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Komisaris (3)

Career as an activist and joining LSK Bina Bakat Solo involved in alternative education for fishermen's children, organic farming, organizing and strengthening farmer groups, strengthening women's economy, education for street children, healthy food education for organic consumers, forest restoration with organic farming, area management forestry, advocacy for women and children, empowerment of village children, economic development of street vendors, strengthening of coffee farmers. Especially in agriculture, starting from increasing the income of dry land farmers in Rembang Regency, developing sustainable agriculture in Boyolali, Karanganyar, Wonogiri and Sukoharjo districts. then the development of organic agriculture without burning in Jambi province. Development and strengthening of empon-empon farmers in Wonogiri Regency. Increasing the income of Merapi slope horticultural farmers. While assisting organic farmers for 15 years, he has succeeded in exporting organic rice to 2 European countries, namely Germany and Belgium in 2015.


Experience in the field of Trainers and Facilitators in Sustainable Agriculture (Organic), Organizing and Strengthening Farmer Groups, TOT Internal Control System (ICS) Training and JARAK Networking, Jarnopp, JakerPO, Indonesian Organic Alliance, Independent Farmers Network, KRKP, Indonesian Healthy Consumer Community Network. Involved in the Indonesian PAMOR movement since 2012


Involved in programs and as partners: Vredeseilanden ( Veco ) Belgium, USAID, Save The Children, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Social Affairs, UNICEF, University of Indonesia, Sebelas Maret University. LUNDUYAN Foundation, UNDP, AUSAID, Mercy Corps Indonesia, TdH Netherland.


Writing experience: Healthy Food Module 2010, Layout and Editing of Organic Agriculture Development Book.

Kelompok Petani Binaan
Jenis Produk Organik
Tim Ahli dan Trainer
Penjual Bersertifikasi